
MAU is more than just a staffing and recruiting company, we are a partner to clients, enhancing their workforce and talent management through an in-depth understanding of their organization, culture and industry. We happily vet candidates and help companies fill open positions, but signing up with MAU means much more than that. Our staffing consulting identifies the skills you need most, boosts the efficiency and effectiveness of your workforce through our lean services, enhances your recruitment and hiring process, and delivers solutions that will create lasting results.

Our Consulting Services Include:

  • Risk Management and Safety Training

    At MAU, we’re committed to applying risk management practices in all of our operations, and executing risk control policies and programs for safer working conditions.

  • Lean Services

    Our temporary staffing and recruiting professionals implement Lean practices to effectively design strategic staffing solutions customized to your business’ needs.

  • Outplacement Services

    Trust our team to design a custom management coaching and training program that arms your leadership team with the knowledge they need to effectively handle critical outplacement processes.

  • Assessment Services

    Our Testing and Assessments services cover all of the bases, and as your strategic partner, we’ll lead you through the hiring process step-by-step. Together, we’ll discuss hiring challenges, goals and organizational priorities in order to design a specialized assessment solution that delivers results for your business.

  • Payroll Services

    MAU’s experienced professionals help you take care of employment-related costs such as unemployment tax and workers’ compensation insurance as well as managing payroll for interns, Co-Ops, part-time employees and independent contractors.

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