What to Do When You Get Laid Off
February 28, 2011 2:53:00 PM

Have you been laid off? Here are some steps to take:

  • Allow yourself time to grasp the situation and refocus
  • Share your situation and feelings with family and close friends
  • Utilize any outplacement assistance offered by your former employer
  • Review your financial situation
  • Apply for unemployment
  • Maintain your health benefits, if at all possible
  • Visit your local Career Centers or seek the assistance of a career coach
  • For coaching, resume assistance, interview skills, job registration


  • Tell everyone you know personally and professionally
  • Search the internet
  • Check local company websites for job postings
  • Register and surf the large staffing sites on the net


  • Helping others, many times helps you
  • The networking can prove invaluable
  • You could learn a new skill or find a new professional direction
  • Stay focused. Make your job search your job
  • Dedicate a minimum of 4 hours per day to your search

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